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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003-10Environmental reporting practices of the private sector business organizations in Sri LankaRajapakse, Bandara
2003-10Market response to behaviour of cash dividend in the Colombo stock exchange: an empirical analysisAbdul Rauf
2003-10Japanese style of team working: the unique way and characteristicsPathmaranjan, R
2003-10How far the knowledge workers and data workers are satisfied with the organizational reward systems: an empirical study on twelve service organizations in Sri lankaRauf, Hansiya
10/1/2004Service quality towards reaching hyper customer satisfaction in private hospitals (empirical setting from Colombo city of Sri Lanka)Ahsan Fazeela, M.J.F
10/1/2004The impact of announcements of rights issues on the share prices of the companies traded on the Colombo stock exchange - an event study analysisAliSabri, H.M
10/1/2004Production efficiency of paddy cultivation in the eastern provinceSivarajah, P; Ahmed Naseer, A
10/1/2004Perspective study of the Japanese style of managementRauf, Hansiya
10/1/2004Empowerment of employees as a strategy for improving organizational performance - a comparative study between state sector and private sector banking institutions in sri LankaPathmaranjan, R
10/1/2004Contribution of ridge type estimators in regression analysisJahufer, A
10/1/2004Cover page-
10/1/2005Growth performance of shorea seedlings at kalutara district in Sri LankaJahufer, A
10/1/2005A comparative study on impact of training on employee's performance of bank "A"and bank "B" in BatticaloaJayaranjani, R; Kanagasingam, V
10/1/2005What are the factors affecting the pro mobility among teachers at universities in Sri LankaBeevi Sulaiha, M.A.C
10/1/2005Service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction - case study in development banks in southern province in Sri LankaPcrera H.Sunethra, c
10/1/2005Trends in paddy production in Sri LankaRazmy Mohamed, A; Ahmed Naseer, A
10/1/2005The entrepreneurial culture value patterns and business practices of small and medium enterprises in Sri Lanka based on selected case studiesDe Alwis, Gamini; Senathiraja, R
10/1/2005Measuring and reporting of intellectual capital: with special reference to commercial banks in Sri LankaRajapakse, Bandara; Ratnayake, Anuradha S
10/1/2005An empirical study on the patterns of organizational Structure of Japanese affiliates in Sri LankaPathmaranjan, R