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Title: Corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior: does employee job satisfaction matter? Case of Sri Lankan tourism industry
Authors: Abdul Rauf, F. H.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility
Job Satisfaction
Sri Lanka
Issue Date: 27-Nov-2024
Publisher: Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Oluvil.
Citation: 13th Annual International Research Conference 2024 (AiRC-2024) on "Navigating new normalcy: innovation, integration, and sustainability in Management and Commerce”. 27th November 2024. Faculty of Management and Commerce, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, pp. 46.
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of the studies to find the influence of CSR on the perception of employee’s job satisfaction (JS) are very few. Additionally, studies on the mediating effect of JS on the relationship between CSR and OCB seems to be not conducted as far as the published literature is concerned. The first objective of this study was to investigate the effect of employees’ perception of CSR on OCB, and JS, and the second objective was to explore the mediating role of JS to link employees’ perception of CSR and OCB. Design/Methodology/Approach: A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data from 500 employees in the tourism industry in the eastern province of Sri Lanka. The OCB scale measuring two dimensions of OCB (OCBO and OCBI) developed by Williams and Anderson (1991) was used to measure OCB. Maignan and Ferrell (2000) questionnaire was used to measure perceived CSR of employees. The satisfaction questionnaire having fifteen items adopted from Tamm et al., (2010) was used to measure JS. The causal step method of Baron and Kenny (1986) was employed for analyzing the effect of mediation in this study. Findings: CSR were found to be significant in promoting employee OCB. The results also demonstrated that job satisfaction fully mediate the relationship between CSR and OCB. Practical implications: Findings highlighted that CSR among hotel industry is important to increase OCB which will improve its overall performance. The concept of CSR should be considered as the essential part in the strategies of tourism companies. This study discusses the theoretical and practical implications of these findings, and offers suggestions for future studies. This is the additional contribution to social identity theory and social exchange theory from Sri Lankan context. Originality Value: This is a new contribution among hotel industry in the Sri Lankan context in the relevant scope.
ISBN: 978-955-627-030-3
Appears in Collections:13th Annual International Research Conference 2024

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