This research “consumer purchase intention towards organic foods in Sri Lanka” hasbeen conducted to find out what are the factors affecting to the intention to purchaseon organic food of family holders. Consumers are increasingly concerned about theenvironment ‘and various issues related to the global level. This change hasencouraged and the consumers has compelled to respond with “environmentally“friendly products. Due to speedy growth of industry of organic foods and increasingthe awareness among consumers, the health benefits and threats are the significantfactors to consider. The primary data has been collected using key factors affecting toorganic food measured questionnaire consisting of 45 questions were designed forintention to purchase organic food. Those were scaled on a five-point Likert-typescale. Data from 100 Family holders were gathered randomly. It was found thatmaximum number of consumers got awareness about green products. But purchaseintention of the consumers influenced with reference to the purchase of organic foods.Descriptive statistics and hypothesis testing as data analysis technique whileemploying statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) as the primary data analyzingtool. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis andregression analysis to test the formulated hypotheses and the significance andreliability of the findings. The findings suggest that key factors are positively relatedto intention to purchase organic food. So the result is a positive and significantrelationship between key factors Health aspects, Environmental friendliness,consumer perception, Availability of organic food information and intention topurchase organic food in. And regression analysis has been used to test therelationship between the key factors and the purchase intention. Hence it is concludedthat organization should develop marketable advertisements to increase the purchaseintention of organic foods.