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Title: Promoting positive peace via inter religious dialogue: bridging understanding among Muslims and Non-Muslims
Authors: Long, Ahmad Sunawari
Keywords: Peace
Inter Religious Dialogue
Issue Date: 4-Apr-2022
Publisher: Faculty of Islamic Studies & Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil.
Citation: 8th International Symposium 2020 on “Promoting Faith-Based Social Cohesion Through Islamic and Arabic Studies”. 04th April 2021. South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil, Sri Lanka. pp. 236-250.
Abstract: Islam means peace or religion of peace. The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) aim to significantly reduce all forms of violence and to end conflict and insecurity either at national or international sphere is in line with the concept of peace in Islam. The recent hatred against Islam and Muslims especially since post 9/11 has caused the sentiment of Islamophobia. By contrast, Muslims in the Middle East and Asia generally see Westerners as selfish, hypocrites, immoral and greedy, and an enemy to their religion. The situation should be tackled by imposing negative peace (the absence of violence) and positive peace (the attitudes, institutions, and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies) which is substantial in Islam. There is a close connection between interreligious dialogue and peacebuilding. By interreligious dialogue, people of different faiths coming to a mutual understanding and respect that allows them to live and cooperate with each other. There will be human interaction and relationships in interreligious dialogue which take place at many levels. The diversity in intra and inter religions is a fact a fitnah created by Allah. The differences or diversities can be managed by moderation and tolerance from the people of different religious backgrounds. Every religion encourages peace among humankind whereby understanding between religious believers is useful in bringing people together. All religions should stop paying attention to unimportant differences and details. The main objective of this paper is to prove that Islam is a religion advocate positive peace and interreligious dialogue for the permanent peacebuilding.
ISSN: 978-624-5736-14-0
Appears in Collections:8th International Symposium of FIA-2021

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